This ‘water’ as described in Trevor’s book is on offer to anyone who makes a fair and reasonable donation, according to one’s conscience and financial status (and with post and packaging costs added) to this charity, the Medjugorje Centre.

Each donor who so wishes will receive a vial of Medjugorje Blessed Water. One vial for each donation. If more than one vial is requested then the fair and reasonable donation needs to be adjusted accordingly. There is a maximum of two vials for any one delivery.

Donors will be dealing with the Holy Spirit who empowered the ‘water’ and if anyone should lie, cheat or steal to obtain it, then it is doubtful the power will work. The Medjugorje Centre and the Trevor Knuckey family do not guarantee any benefit from this ‘water’ as benefits are entirely up to the Holy Spirit.

It is perfectly alright for a donor to obtain a vial of the ‘water’ to pass on to another as a gift, as gifts are acts of love and kindness.

Once a vial is received, uncap it and squeeze the contents into a two litre bottle. Then fill the bottle with clean drinkable water and all will be blessed. Use the two litres of blessed ‘water’ like medication by taking a daily dose of twenty millilitres each day. If no medicine measure is available then use two of the two litre bottle caps as the daily dose. The two litre bottle should last a little over three months.

When the ‘water’ in the two litre bottle is getting low then donate for another vial so you can continue daily doses. The ‘water’ is to be taken every day and when taking a dose the following prayer is to be recited; Heavenly Father, I place my health in Your hands, be it mental, emotional, spiritual or physical and I ask for Your healing, should it be Your will. I also ask that the power in this blessed ‘water’ bring me closer to You. Amen.

If you believe you have received a benefit from the ‘Medjugorje Blessed Water’, please email or post your Testimony with permission for us to publish, without your email address or personal data being published.
Post to: PO Box 4035, Swan View. West Australia. 6056.

If you are using medication you must continue taking it until advised by your doctor to cease.

To make a donation and have a vial of Medjugorje Blessed Water sent to you please go to the Donation Page.

To learn more about Trevor and the Medjugorje Blessed Water you might like to purchase his book, which tells of his amazing life journey and his receipt of the ‘water’. If so, go to the Trevor’s Page.

Proceeds from the sale of Trevor’s book go to the Trevor Knuckey family enabling them to work for the Medjugorje Centre free of any cost. This allows the charity to be administered without any paid staff for as long as is possible.